
Working on the borderline of visual art and cinematography Teymur Daimi problematizes the perception through micro-operations over the picture and tempo-rhythm as an event of the first contact with reality. “Moving picture” is considered by the author as the reflection of the processes, which are happening in our consciousness- the nature of the movie in its sensuous and affective procedurality is the modeling of the perception mechanisms. That means, working with the images, tempo-rhythm, lay-out and sound it makes possible to have an effect directly on perception and do necessary alterations in our consciousness.
In this respect, the filmmaker believes that cinematography’s story began upon the visual practice of the Palaeolithic age when pictorial activity was not linked to aesthetics and art in the modern meaning of these words, but with homoeopathic magic, arcane knowledge and, affective practices in the transformation of reality- the reality of Consciousness.

Teymur Daimi’s movies have inter-format and inter-genre spectrum, which is situated on the borderline of the conventional cinematography, media, and video-art, expanded cinema





The four minute film-hokku, which is devoted to the medieval Japanese poet of XVII century Matsuo Basho, was pictured within one breath, when once it happened to the author, who was "caressed" by unexpected balloon on the lonely street...


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Air is the life force. If there is no air- there is no life. Correct statement: What is essential is invisible to the eye. Being invisible, the air manifests itself still. Talks to us.



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The film is presenting film-essay on the classical theme “Three Graces” which were devoted numerous creations of artwork all the way from antique epoch till nowadays. This theme is connected to manifestation of Ideal - ideal proportions, ideal composition, ideal perception of the world in whole.


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The surrounding world is filled with electro-magnetic eradiation of the various frequencies of fluctuation. What is being observed by our eyes is called seeable light. There are seven distinguished main spectral colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, dark blue, purple. And this is only 2 per cent from the total electro-magnetic diapason. Therefore, we are practically blind.


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This video has been created in the genre of glitch-art. The  occurrence  happened during one the the conversations the author had on skype... 


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Love and Death...

The film director, who was taking the movie of his mother’s last days of life, could not have presumed that those moments would have become the groundwork of the movie. He had been taking last days, hours, minutes of his precious mum…


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Mona Lisa or "Gioconda" created by great Leonardo da Vinci is considered to be the greatest picture of all times.  Still this masterpiece is presented as an example of unsurpassed beauty and perfection. But is it true? What hides within the unconscious of "Mona Lisa"?


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Tongues of a black flame is playing with Light substance. Light loves a game. Even with blackness of fire, as the passionate speech of even more black chasm. But a game comes to the end as soon as anything or anybody tries to see it. 


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Window. A look through window. "He" beholds what happens behind a window: same landscape, change of time of day: night, morning, day, evening and again night. "He" beholds not movably, as if the released Witness. 


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This so called metafilm associated with trend of "expanded cinema" touches upon the important issues of globalization, transnational factors, conceptual power and the impact of mass media, as well as the issue of detachment as result of globalization. 


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The film's genre is an apocalypse story. It deals with a fantastic writer. His book-tragedy "The Last One" about the end of the world gained him fame. But as a result the writer falls into the world created by him in his work and becomes the hero of his own book. 


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The experimental movie about the strange subject who, having woken up, nevertheless, can't understand where it that is created around and in general... Не moves down on so strange space of any room. 


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The young man meets in the park with the girl whom he “loves”, at any rate it seems so. But there is one mental problem: she is Muslim who doesn’t like modern, secular world unlike him because he prefers liberal way of life. 

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Film about contemporary artist (filmmaker, scientist, musician and any professional) who, according to his/her professional function, is forced to constantly travel all over the world - to move from one place (city, country, continent) to another - gradually risking to be transformed into someone without profound mental roots, traditions, native land etc.


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The young pair has a rest in park. Round them stormy city life boils – people, cars, buses, pigeons by rush … – but they are interested in nothing as they are shipped in idyllic elements of their own happiness. 

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The main goal of the project “Geo-Creation”, which is at the same time artistic and metaphysical action is synchronization (harmonization) of geo (Earth) and anthropo (Man) principles. This action is aimed helping human being to be forming the “another”(different) ecological mentality/thinking, adapted up to the new conditions of existence. 



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The quest for a particular, personal path, one leading to the discovery of the mystery concealed in the primal, magical Temple – this Temple is, finally, the materialization in the physical world of another Spiritual Temple, to be found within each one of us. 

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Film “Awakening” is dedicated to the most important idea of all world esoteric traditions (Sufism, Hinduism, and Zen-buddhizm) - idea of Awakening, Illumination... The basic element of film is the tortoise as symbol of living being in vast sense of this term


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The movie about the young man, who meets the strange person and... by following him, find himself in an absolutely different space and time, where he touches the silent knowledge of the fire in the Temple of Fire of Worshippers.


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The modern man living in a secular technological epoch is rather self-confident and pretty sure that he knows a lot of things about world and nature of himself. By means of newest technology he intends to subdue the cosmos and power of nature. 


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Human being lives for 60, 70, 80 … years. But there is the extraordinary life we live for 9 months within some enigmatical space, before our birth. By means of necessary modern equipment we can observe what is happening there. It is clear seen that embryo moves, breathes, and what is more interesting...


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